About Us

Services - What we do.

Catastrophe Claims

Complex Claims

Desk Adjusting

Renewables Claims

We are CAT adjusters.

Each and every one of our executive team are claims adjusters first. All our managers have experience as adjusters. We grow our own teams from the ground up and we provide excellent support in the field. Our attrition rate is a fraction of the competition.

We are property claims.

Our core business is property claims handling. Our teams have handled tens of thousands of property claims over the last two decades. If your current claims provider says they've seen it all, they're lying... we've seen enough to know every CAT event has unique challanges. Constant staff development and excellent support to adjusters in the field is the best way to achieve success. Our teams have worked claims from every major catastrophe since 2004, in dozens of states with dozens of carriers.

We are a trusted partner.

We work with carriers who share our own customer service values. When we adjust a claim, we take care of ALL parties in the claim, we know your customer is NOT an opposing party, and we work together with all involved to settle each claim.

We are Agile.

We are flexible and move quickly. Catastrophic events create claims numbers that are exponentially greater than daily work. Our team has the experience in this environment to be successful, we know how to handle the pressures of scaling up an event response, without impacting quality and customer service negatively. This is our specialty.

If you represent a Carrier or TPA and are interested in our services, Contact us and we'll come to your office to discuss.

Contact us

If you are an Adjuster who would like to join our team, Send us your info!

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